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Elpro Nordic ApS

ELPRO, founded in 1986, is a globally active Swiss provider of solutions for monitoring environmental conditions throughout the supply chain of perishable goods. ELPRO is a part of Bosch Service Solutions. While our focus is on pharmaceutical, healthcare, life science and logistics, ELPRO serves a wide range of industries. Whenever temperature, humidity, pressure, or any other environmental condition is key to the quality of products during production, storage or transport, ELPRO cares for efficiency and compliance. Monitoring means to measure, record, and manage data and – based upon stability criteria – assess the data for release or alarm. ELPRO is ISO 9001 certified, operates ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratories, complies with the GAMP5 guidelines and thereby fully supports compliance to GxP guidelines. Furthermore ELPRO offers services for qualification and temperature mapping. Through subsidiaries and a network of certified distribution partners, ELPRO serves globally acting key accounts as well as local customers.

Elpro Nordic ApS
Ledreborg Alle' 128G
4000 Roskilde
VAT nummer: DK33863659
ISO 9001:2015, SS-EN ISO 17025


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